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What to look for when looking for insects and diseases harming your tree

Tree Services Armadale

What to look for when inspecting your tree

An unhealthy tree can become a problem, with tree branches becoming brittle it can cause tree branches to snap in strong winds or storms, damaging property, fences and buildings. Not only can it cause damage to your property but it can make a mess of your Armadale yard. We are going to list some items below for you to keep an eye on when inspecting your tree.

Discolouration, spots or bumps on leaves

Discolouration does not always mean a tree has a disease or is unhealthy, it could be due to a lack of or too much water. Spots and bumps on leaves could indicate the presence of insects feeding and laying eggs. It is always best to call a professional tree arborist if spots and large discolouration is noticed and it could be something as serious as Myrtle rust which is a fungal infection that leaves yellow spores on the leaves. 

Sawdust debri from wood boring insects

Small amounts of sawdust-like debris can indicate a “Borer” is present. This could be beetles, wood moths, weevils or termites. Boring insects can weaken and in some cases even kill your tree. It's best to have them removed as quickly as possible by a pest control professional. If it's too late to notice the decline of the tree from insects, the best action would be to call your local Armadale tree removal specialists as soon as possible to stop the spread of insects, especially termites. 

Stunted growth or thinning canopy 

This can be caused by a multitude of diseases or insects. It would be highly recommended to have a tree specialist out to properly diagnose the thinning or stunted growth as it may be an easily spread disease that could affect the surrounding garden or trees. Diseases that could cause thinning and stunted growth include Root Rot or Dieback. 

Tree Removal in Armadale

Fungi on tree bark, trunk, branches or leaves

Fungi is a big sign that your tree needs to be treated as soon as possible to prevent the tree from dying or spreading throughout the rest of the trees.

If your tree looks unhealthy or looks like it may become a bit of a risk it would be best to call your local tree lopper in Armadale to treat or confirm the need for tree removal on your Perth Hills Property. Don’t wait to call today and keep your trees healthy.

Want to know more information about tree lopping in Armadale, call our team today or send a form with your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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